Today: Jul. 26, 2024
© Lennon | Family Base-Camp

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          What security measures are in place to protect this website?

          Here is an abbreviated list of the some of the security measures employed for our protection:
          • SSL / Secure Socket Layers, i.e. https://* versus http://
          • Membership management system for content control
          • Firewall scanning for malware, sql injections, known evil IP addresses, trouble makers and hackers with auto blocking
          • Automatic blocking for ‘abusive’ users and ‘sketchy’ activities
          • reCAPTCHA (both Visible & Invisible)
          • Anti Spam for all messages, posts, bots, crawlers and creeps
          • The site is completely database driven. All content is dynamically built on the fly. (this is not your average html website.)
          • Databases, posts, pages and graphics are encrypted
          Okay, I will stop there before you go to sleep – LOL 😉 want more info? @admin

          Category: Security

          About / Dan Lennon, Vero Beach, Florida, USA --- CREATIVE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT For more than 25 years: designed, developed, implemented, and hosted creative dynamic data-driven websites for use on the Internet. --- Personally; Heavy Metal Wreck Diver! Lobster diving, spearfishing, and deep-diving are my favorite passions! I also enjoy flyfishing, camping, traveling, boating, and shooting! --- Speak English, German and intermediate Spanish

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