Today: Jul. 27, 2024
© Lennon | Family Base-Camp

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          Can I Invite my Wife / Husband / Partner / Kids ?

          Yes! Please do! The idea is that we can all ‘stay in touch’ privately and securely! Many of us get married or have a ‘serious’ partner (girlfriend or boyfriend), have maiden names, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces and so on… They should ALL be invited! But, this ‘Family Style | Base-Camp’ is intended for family. It is NOT intended for neighbors, diving buddies, the ‘Just Friends’ groups of people. If the Custom Car Club, Fly Fishing, Home Brewing or Photography groups need a private ‘Members Only’ website, please get them in touch with @admin ASAP! I can build it for them!

          Categories: General Info, Sticky Notes, What can I do here?

          About / Dan Lennon, Vero Beach, Florida, USA --- CREATIVE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT For more than 25 years: designed, developed, implemented, and hosted creative dynamic data-driven websites for use on the Internet. --- Personally; Heavy Metal Wreck Diver! Lobster diving, spearfishing, and deep-diving are my favorite passions! I also enjoy flyfishing, camping, traveling, boating, and shooting! --- Speak English, German and intermediate Spanish

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