Today: Jul. 27, 2024
© Lennon | Family Base-Camp

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          Remembering Freddy Lennon


          Remembering Freddy Lennon

          Story authored by:

          Dan Lennon

          About / Dan Lennon, Vero Beach, Florida, USA --- CREATIVE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT For more than 25 years: designed, developed, implemented, and hosted creative dynamic data-driven websites for use on the Internet. --- Personally; Heavy Metal Wreck Diver! Lobster diving, spearfishing, and deep-diving are my favorite passions! I also enjoy flyfishing, camping, traveling, boating, and shooting! --- Speak English, German, intermediate Spanish, and Thai languages.

          Please remember our beloved Freddy Lennon.

          Today I learned of our loss, and it is tragic. Please pray for Freddy, Riley, and everyone close to Fred.

          We all have terrific memories of Fred and his huge heart and undying love for Riley.

          I have early memories of babysitting him with his sister Libby when they were very little ones living in Spencer, Iowa. Freddy was great at keeping his baby food high chair looking like a piece of art with his food – lol!

          Certainly, you have some loving memories you would like to share. So, please either comment below or post your stories and photos as I have done here. We would all enjoy seeing and reading your thoughts.

          Freddy is in heaven wearing his Rockies jersey with Grandad and Nana. We will all miss you, Freddy!



          1. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. They remind me of the bright and warm nephew. Truly a great loss to all.

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