Today: Jul. 27, 2024
© Lennon | Family Base-Camp

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          Memorial Day Remberance of my brother Fred

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          Memorial Day Remberance of my brother Fred

          Story authored by:

          Dan Senior

          Retired Creative Director Extraordinaire! Love to Golf, Travel, enjoy trying new things, loving family and my wife!

          Memorial Day is a day for reflection. We all miss our brother Fred, he was one of kind. Loving, wild and always teaching us new tricks and experiences. He liked pushing the envelope, good and bad. A free thinker that wanted to explore the world and live life to the fullest. Each of our memories of Fred were unique because we were all different ages with different experiences with him. We were close, I shared a bedroom with Fred until he was freshman at Heelan High School. That’s when he started sneaking out to go joy riding with Denny Walker and Billy Braunger. I wanted to hang with him and his friends, it was always an adventure. After high school he tried college but that wasn’t where he wanted to be. He wanted adventure and joined the army Special Forces. I visited Viet Nam a few years ago with Denny Walker and another friend. I got a map of where Fred died and visited a quiet place in the hills of Vietnamese Nam. I still miss Fred, he will be in my heart forever…. Dan


          1. Thank you for sharing your memories of Uncle Fred (your brother.) I may have inherited his sense of adventure and his wild streak.

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