Today: Sep. 7, 2024
© Lennon | Family Base-Camp

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          Why should I/we use this website instead of FaKeBook | FalseBook?

          1. This is a ‘Members Only’ private Family Base-Camp designed to help our families stay more connected, plan events, share photos, recipes, movie recommendations, chat & pm with each other – privately!
          2.  This website will NEVER sell your private information!
          3.  This website will NEVER share your private information!
          4. This website is designed to be ‘appropriate’ for ALL ages of our families!
          5. This website WILL reduce the ‘clutter’ of information we are consuming and filter to what is important to us – not what people you don’t even know are doing or happen to be in Timbuktu & had for breakfast or any other silly details of what they were doing while ‘Day Drinking’ (might have been funny)!
          6. This website will give us family members the ‘secure’, ‘private’ and ‘FUN’ connection that we have all been waiting for!

          Category: General Info

          About / Dan Lennon, Vero Beach, Florida, USA --- CREATIVE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT For more than 25 years: designed, developed, implemented, and hosted creative dynamic data-driven websites for use on the Internet. --- Personally; Heavy Metal Wreck Diver! Lobster diving, spearfishing, and deep-diving are my favorite passions! I also enjoy flyfishing, camping, traveling, boating, and shooting! --- Speak English, German and intermediate Spanish

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